

Play Group

Our Play Group is a small friendly group where children aged between 2 and over can be left with qualified staff to learn and play together. We offer your child an opportunity to have fun, make new friends and develop sensory, social and communication skills through academic materials, rhymes, stories and thematic activities which are designed to their age.



Children aged between 3 to 4 belong to our Pre-Nursery program which ideally integrates academic materials plus creative and thematic concepts to make the foundation stronger for each child’s future success in life, the stronger the start, the greater the finish.



Children aged between 4-5 belong to our kindergarten program which is specially designed curriculum based on Montessori philosophy and play way learning. The teachers concentrate on expanding their language skills and help in developing a thought process that is essential for socialization and integration. Group activities teach them teamwork and participation along with the values of sharing and turn-taking keeping them busy.



Children aged between 5-6 belong to our kindergarten program. At this stage we begin preparing the child for an easy start and excellence in their school life ahead. We provide opportunities for children to learn through carefully planned activities that challenge each child's skills in language, maths, science in addition to physical activities, music and art. By this age, our children are competent and confident to face everyday challenges and opportunities and are caring individuals.